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How to create a Physical Store Payment Source and Assign your Android Card Terminal
How to create a Physical Store Payment Source and Assign your Android Card Terminal
Updated over a month ago

In this article, you will find all the necessary information you need to follow to create a physical store payment source within your account and the steps to assign your Ciontek Card Terminal/ terminal to it.

If you are the account administrator or an employee user with the respective role assigned (Role: manage account) by the account administrator, follow the below steps.

a. Create a physical store payment source.

b. Renaming / Deleting a physical payment source.
c. Assigning the source to an employee.
d. Assigning a source to your card terminal.

Note! If you are an employee user and you can not view the below fields in your account, get in touch with the account administrator to give you the respective permissions.

A. Physical store payment source:

a. Create a physical store payment source

  1. Log into and select the relevant account to display your dashboard.

  2. Click on Sales > Physical Payments > Stores.

  3. Then Click on the Add Store button.

  4. Fill in your business information and the preferred linked account in the pop-up window.

Complete the fields as follows:

  1. Code: The four-digit number at the top-left of the dialog box is the ‘Source Code’ - the unique code of this payment source. This code is automatically generated, but you can choose a different value if preferred (for organizational purposes, for example).

  2. Store Name: Give your store a name so you can recognize it in your reports.

  3. Customer Description: Enter a friendly store description that will be shown on your customers’ bank statements.

  4. Linked account: The account to which the sales you make through this store will be credited.

  5. Store address: The address of your store.

  6. Tel. Number: The telephone number of your store.

  7. Finally, click on the Create button to finish creating the payment source.

The physical store has already been created!

By creating different stores through your business account, you can organize and manage your sales transactions in the best way.

b. Renaming / Deleting a physical payment source

i. Renaming a payment source.

If you want to rename one of your payment sources, from your account menu:

  1. Click on Sales > Physical Payments > Stores.

  2. Find the Store you want to rename, and click the name from the description field.

3. Once you complete editing the details of your store, click on the lower right button "Update" to save it.

ii. Deleting a payment source.

The deletion of a payment source is possible only if you did not receive any payment on the linked account. Otherwise, you may edit the source or toggle the on/off switch in the operation column.

c. Assigning the source to an employee.

Via your Admin Account menu:

  1. Click on Settings > Users and select the respective employee user you want to assign a payment source.

  2. Click on the edit button.

  3. Click on the "Show/Manage transactions from" field and from the dropdown menu, select the payment source you want to assign to the employee user.​

  4. Finally, click on the "Update" button to Save your changes.

B. Assigning a source to your card terminal (Managing Stores):

Terminals can be linked to "Stores" (a type of Payment "Source") to help organize your terminals across locations. Assigning each terminal to a store can help you locate and filter transaction information on a per-location basis.

More information on the source assignment logic can be found here.

The steps to assign a store to your card terminal can be found below:

  1. Activate your POS Device:
    Simply follow the details as described here.

  2. Create a Store:
    Please see the above section on how to create a Payment Source (Store).

  3. Within your account, navigate to Sales > Physical Payments > Card Terminals.

    i. You will see a list of your active terminals.
    ii. Click on the Edit button for the terminal you wish to amend.
    iii. You can then use the Select Source dropdown menu to choose which Store you wish to assign to this terminal, before saving.

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