Zero: £0,00 monthly fee*
Terminal IDs: per item
Digital Cards: unlimited
Real Time Settlement: yes
* min monthly charge £3.99
Default: £3.99
Terminal IDs: up to 3
Digital Cards: unlimited
Real time settlement: yes
Free Outgoing Transfers: 4
Standard: £10.99
Terminal IDs: up to 10
Digital Cards: unlimited
Real time settlement: yes
Free Outgoing Transfers: 15
Premium: £15.99
Terminal IDs: up to 20
Digital Cards: unlimited
Real time settlement: yes
Free Outgoing Transfers: 30
Cost per extra transacting Terminal ID within the billing period
Monthly charge: £1.70
Note: The monthly fee is charged on the last day of each calendar month. During a calendar month, the user is entitled to choose an upgraded package with immediate effect or a lower package that will be effective from the following month.
You can see all the payment plans here